Friday, January 23, 2009

Objective of Blog

There are two main reasons why I am starting this blog. First, I love studying history, particularly ancient and European history, and the two usually seem to go hand-in-hand. Second, I recently graduated college and felt that every thing I learned I could have taught myself and saved $80k. Now that I am a graduate I have no intention to stop learning; however, I also have no intention of paying another $80k+ to obtain a masters. If everything I learned in undergrad could have been self-taught, why not everything I could potentially learn in graduate school?

This blog is going to be an activate record of what I am reading and learning. Eventually, it would be nice if others who have similar interest in any type of history or politics would chime in, and discuss what they are also learning. Conversations are generally much more informative then sitting behind a desk for an hour three times a week to hear someone blurt out bits of knowledge that they have no ability to relay to others. I think it would be nice to have somewhere to go where there can be a conversation about history and politics in an informative and factual way. I look forward to what anyone has to say and hope you enjoy what I am reading/learning as much as I do.


  1. Cool Blog!! Looks like its going to be really awesome!

  2. aaah! were all so in sync, i decided to start a public one like 2 days ago (when i read a glam article about ad $), and then u and will are starting yours too!!! yaaaay! :-D I've had a xanga one going for years but its boring and no1 reads it, i mostly just post about my day/life :-P ill add u asap once i get my blog-spot one up!!

  3. i cant wait to see the poll results, i wanna know if i got it right! :-P

  4. by the way! my roommate Ashley that you've met a few times was a history major. she LOVES it, and she's fluent in Spanish. right now she's living in Argentina for a year, here is her blog, she'd be a great history conversational partner:

  5. Thanks Jess. I will look up her blog! We are planning a trip to Spain sometimes this year, probably in November.
