Wednesday night, the House of Representatives voted 244 to 188 to pass another $819 billion in stimulus money. Is this really necessary? Well the Republicans don't think so. After weeks of bi-partisan talk from the Obama camp, the Republicans have decided to stick to their guns on this one; Not a single member of the Republican House voted for the stimulus bill. While many in the GOP have shown support for helping the economy and some sort of a stimulus plan, many agree that this was being pushed along to quickly and without much thought to back it. Even with this dismal showing from the Republican side, Obama still has hopes of getting the Republicans in the Senate to back the stimulus bill. House and Senate leaders were invited to the White House for a light chat with the President. Hope they won't keep Sasha and Malia up past their bedtime.
Now the important stuff.....Should we each be expecting a nice check in the upcoming months after our taxes have been filed? And this time, even those who make under what is necessary to file will be receiving a check according to President Obama. The government is hoping that the average American will go out and spend their money in the retail sector, “stimulating” the economy. However, in a recession the worst thing to do is spend your money on retail and items you could easily live without. What the government should be saying is, “Here is some money that we took from your pockets without asking, and have now decided to give it back to you. Try holding on to it a bit longer this time.”
Listening to the news this evening, a spokesperson on CNN said that if the stimulus package was divided up among all of the homeless people in America, they would each receive approximately $200,000. I am not wonderful at math, but it does sound like some absurd figure our government would come up with. Imagine if the government stopped giving back this stimulus money, and tried keeping it to pay off some of their debt. The money has already come out of our pockets, it would be far better for them to keep the money now instead of having to raise taxes later to pay for this plan. However, the average American does not like to hear “raise taxes, “ most would much rather be lied in to thinking that this money is actually a gift and we will not have to pay for it later. One way or another the government will either have to stop coming up with $800 billion stimulus plans and cut spending, or raise taxes. Good luck President Obama, I really do wish you the best of luck in getting us out of this economic crisis we are in, whatever road you decide to choose.
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